Hp Officejet Pro 8500 A909n Driver Windows Xp

Download the latest drivers for your HP Officejet Pro 8500 A909n Series to keep your Computer up-to-date.

My scanner doesn't work either, I did everything, and I am going to send them a bill for my time trying to get this piece of crap to work. They couldn't code a text file writer much less a scanner. That is the primary reason I purchased this printer as I need it for my business. Visual C Serial Port Programming. I want my money back, plus the $50 dollars an hour I charge for consulting with about 6 hours of work at least involved in trying to fix their garbage!

Windows 7 64 bit, had the same issue with vista and 5610, so I upgraded to this, thinking it would work like they say it will, ha, what a joke! This issue is particularly vexing, but I think I've found a workaround that's easy. Windows 7 comes default with password sharing in the ON position. Turning off the password sharing allows the wireless scan folder to accept incoming files. The HP software doesn't appear to be able to figure out what's going on. Resident malware programs and firewalls should not get in the way.

However, the password sharing item may be overlooked. I set up a shared folder at the first hierarchy under my OS drive; for me it's C. I make sure it's shared and permissions are granted to everybody. The Transformation Of Southeast Asian Economies Ebook. Then, I create a shortcut and pin it to the Windows Explorer icon (or paste it to the desktop) for scan retrieval. I obtain the printer url (without the routing number at the end) for the printer that Windows 7 installs from the printer properties.

Hp Officejet Pro 8500 A909n Software