Installshield Radio Button Group

Installshield Radio Button Group

I need assistance on how to control a custom feature set-up in a basic MSI project in Installshield. I have a custom feature with 3 options to prompt the user to select that will then install customised graphics in a graphics folder.

Based on their selection I need to know how to do 2 things: 1. Make it compulsory that the user select at least one of the 3 feature options. Make it only possible to select one of the 3 options. (The 3 options install some files with the same file names so have to be exclusive).

Thanks that helps me to understand the property condition for the component. I've set that. My BIG issue now is for some reason i can't get my new dialog with radiobutons to allow me to click next?? I have a property set as REGIONPROP default value=0 I have 2 radio buttons: 1 has value=1, 2nd has value=2 I then have the condition for the next button as REGIONPROP>=1 but when I click next it doesn't allow me to click next no matter what radio button I pick?? I can't work out why??

Is it not setting the value when I choose the radio button? I can't see what I have missed as I have tried setting condition to =0 or =1 etc.

Installshield Radio Button Group

Installer Controls. The value of the radio button group's property will be set to the selected radio button's value. Radio Button.

With no luck???

The latest version of this topic can be found. When you add radio buttons to a dialog box, treat them as a group by setting a Group property in the Properties window for the first button in the group. A control ID for that radio button then appears in the, allowing you to add a member variable for the group of radio buttons. You can have more than one group of radio buttons on a dialog box, and each group should be added using the following procedure. To add a group of radio buttons to a dialog box • Select the radio button control in the and click the location in the dialog box where you want to place the control.

A radio button control is one of two or more mutually exclusive options that end users can select. Jamar Plus Digital Hand Dynamometer Manual on this page. A radio button must be inserted into a radio button group; it. Other Window Styles for Button Controls. InstallShield 2012. Options are available for button controls (check box, radio button group, push button, and group box.

• Repeat Step 1 to add as many radio buttons as you need. Make sure that the radio buttons in the group are consecutive in the tab order (for more information, see ). • In the, set the Group property of the first radio button in the tab order to True. Changing the Group property to True adds the WS_GROUP style to the button's entry in the dialog object of the resource script and ensures that a user can only select one radio button at a time in the button group (when the user clicks one radio button, the others in the group are cleared). Note Only the first radio button in the group should have the Group property set to True.

If you have additional controls that are not part of the button group, set the Group property of the first control that is outside the group to True as well. Griffiths And Wall Applied Economics 11th Edition. You can quickly identify the first control outside of the group by pressing CTRL+D to view the tab order. Einsam-zweisam-dreisam Film on this page. To add a member variable for the radio button group • Right-click the first radio button control in the tab order (the dominant control and the one with the Group property set to True). • Choose Add Variable from the shortcut menu.

• In the, select the Control variable check box, then select the Value radio button. • In the Variable name box, type a name for the new member variable. • In the Variable type list box, select int or type int. • You can now modify your code to specify which radio button should appear selected. For example, m_radioBox1 = 0; selects the first radio button in the group. For information on adding resources to managed projects, please see in the.NET Framework Developer's Guide.