Real World Terrain
Three.js is a great library for creating 3D objects and animations. In a couple of previous articles I explored this library a bit and in one of those examples I showed you how you can take GIS information (in geoJSON) format and use D3.js and three.js to convert it to a 3D mesh you can render in the browser using javascript.
This is great for infographic, but it doesn't really show a real map, a real terrain. Three.js, luckily also has helper classes to render a terrain as you can see in this demo: This demo uses a noise generator to generate a random terrain, and adds a whole lot of extra functionality, but we can use this concept to also render maps of real terrain. In this article I'll show you how you can use freely available open geo data containing elevation info to render a simple 3D terrain using three.js. In this example we'll use elevation data that visualizes the data for the island of Corsica. Ware Lotto Wheeling Software Engineering.
Product page: Unity Asset Store: Jan 19, 2016 This video demonstrates how to find and import high quality terrain height maps from into Unity 3D with Gaia, and then how to manipulate it. Use this free website to generate a Unity Terrain Heightmap from a real world location and import it into your game in minutes. World Machine Terrain Generation Software. Powerful simulations of the real world: erosion, talus slopes. World Machine is the most satisfying piece of.