Some Simplified Np-complete Graph Problems Pdf

Some simplified NP-complete problems. PDF Get this Article: Authors. And that these and other graph problems remain NP-complete even when their domains are.

Labview Runtime Engine 2012 Sp1. Ernest Cline Armada. A note on Some simplified NP-complete graph problems A note on Some simplified NP-complete graph problems Krishnamoorthy, M. 1977-09-01 00:00:00 SIGACT News Fall A NOTE ON 'SOME SIMPLIFIED NP-COMPLETE GRAPH PROBLEMS' M. K r i s h n a m o o r t h y Computer Centre Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 16, India Garey, Johnson, and Stockmeyer [i] have made some important observations about the degree-bounds on digraphs for the H a m i l t o n i a n cycle problem to be NP. In this note, we show that their d e g r e e - b o u n d s can be modified to yield the strongest degree-bounds.

Math Graph ProblemsLarry J Stockmeyer