Hooligans Storm Over Europe Crack
Hi, I'm new here. Downloaded a few PS1/2 and PC games from here and got them all working fine, except for Hooligans Downloaded >Mounted >Installed >Went to the crack folder >Opened the crack app and then it fails to load. 'Cannot open the global compound file (Name=Hooligans) Hooligans Storm over Europe will be terminated.' I even downloaded, what turns out to be the same file, from GameCopyWorld but same file, same message. And without the crack, the game wont load without 'the CD' inserted. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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[FairLight] backup CD Hooligans: Storm Over Europe v1.0 ENG.
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The biggest totally free game fix & trainer library online for PC Games [https://gamecopyworld.com]. Hooligans: Storm Over Europe (2002) Forum: General Discussion. And applied a proper crack (this game is protected by an obsolete protection schema.