Seitz Jeweling Tool Set

Seitz Jeweling Tool Set

The blades must be exactly opposite each other, and the micrometer screw must be set before the work is started. Seitz Jewelling Tool Accessories. Find great deals on eBay for seitz jeweling tool and pocket watch tools. Shop with confidence.

Hey RJ- Seitz jewels are available from places like Borel's that specialize in watch supplies. Friction jewels are press-fit into a reamed hole much like a clock bushing.

Jewels that are rubbed-in are a loose fit in the hole which is stepped and has a narrow lip edge. This lip edge is rolled, or rubbed, over with a special tool and the jewel is secured in place between the step and rubbed over brass. If you plan on working on many carriage clock platforms, a Seitz jeweling tool and an assortment of jewels is handy to have.

Hope that helps! Click to expand.RJ Firsrt Seitz Jewels are available from suppliers as mentioned by David. Rockfax Costa Blanca Pdf.

In addition old stock assortments are readily available at marts. All Jewels are friction fit to some degree. If not they would not hold depthing position. Some are held in place by friction alone and some have a rolled edge to further secure position as also mentioned by David.

Personally I replace jewels as follows. If the jewel is a friction fit only, it is pressed out and a new jewel of the correct size is pressed back in the plate or setting. Of course it is seated in the same original position. If the jewel has a rolled edge, I first shatter the jewel and remove pieces. Wordpress Responsive Themes. I next machine a punch with a pivot about.0005' or.01mm smaller than the jewel diameter. (Having done this over the years I know have punches for standard jewel sizes) Once the pivot has been cut, the square edge on the front is rounded slightly. From this point the tip of the pivot on the punch is pressed into the jewel setting pocket.

The purpose of this punch is to open/raise the rolled edge without removing any metal. The new jewel can now be friction fitted into position. The raised rolled edge can now be pressed back in position very quickly and safely with a flat faced punch. In addition to decreasing any damage to a new jewel, the flat faced punch assures correct final seating position of the jewel. Persoally I do not use the Seitz jeweling tool.

For the most part it has only one practial use, that being jeweling. Again personally, I have found that it is far less practical and versatile than a Staking tool set with a jeweling attachment. The staking tool set has many more punches to deal with the 'Real Life' situations that come up in a work day.

If purchasing such a set, it should include both jewel reamers and the lever jeweling attachment. The quickly shot (All I had time for) poor quality attached photos gives the general idea. Dark Messiah Might Magic Update Patch here. The rounded handle attachment was supplied by the factory. You may be able to see the jewel reamers in the second row The straight handle attachment was built by someone years ago. Jerry Kieffer.