White Patch On Left Side Of Tongue

Mucous membrane of the tongue is covered with papillae over the surface and along the sides, but not under it. Depending on the agent, fur and other blotches can appear on this or that part of the tongue. Thus, white spots under tongue most often indicate to leukokeratosis, which in its turn testifies to distinct immune deficiency. Nevertheless, modern medicine negates the correspondence of localization of the fur to the affection of certain systems. The tongue is not a “guiding map” to the sick organism, it is just one of the target-organs of the pathogenic process. Free Program Ms Office 2003 Sp2 Thai Edition.

The surface of the tongue is usually pink and velvety on the back and on the sides. Velvety texture of the mucous membrane is associated with four various types of papillae present on it. They have certain location, each of the groups being placed on its own area of the membrane.

However, there are no papillae under the tongue; that is why its lower surface is smooth. The outer layer cells of papillae are constantly regenerating via regular keratinization and exfoliation. Fur appears in case this process is disturbed.

Is This White Spot Tongue Cancer? But actually is on the underside of tongue. It’s white, painless. These are white patches in your mouth that do not rub.

White Patch On Left Side Of Tongue

It can locate near the base of the tongue, on its back, on the sides and even on the tip. There can be multiple causes for this condition. So how does modern medicine explain appearance of spots on various parts of the tongue in case of various diseases? White spots on back of tongue – an important diagnostic symptom Since the bulk of papillae is focused on the back of tongue, it is the most common place for the appearance of fur. Besides, this part of the tongue can be affected by vesicles (bubbles), which result from herpes infection or appear as a symptom of simple stomatitis.

Fungal blotches (candidamycosis) can also be observed on back of tongue. Uniform fur, located all over the back of tongue, is one of the distinctive features of inflammation. It can appear on the background of acute respiratory infection, as well as in the aggregate of symptoms of such serious ENT diseases, as tonsillitis or diphtheria (in case of diphtheria, however, the fur has grayish hue). Sometimes, blotches concentrate in the view of the tongue tonsil, without spreading all over the back of tongue.

Besides, accompany diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis). In case of the last 2 pathologies, the fur has more of a yellow coloring. Gastritis can also provoke appearance of spots, specifically benign migratory glossitis type.

In other words, observing a thick fur on tongue, which does not disappear after cleaning the teeth and having a meal, one should consult a gastroenterologist or otolaryngologist – depending on concomitant symptoms (fever and sore throat or digestion problems). Even if there are no other symptoms, you can consult a dentist, to correct any mistakes in oral hygiene, since appearance of fur is often fraught with taste disturbance and bad breath. Thus, in order to eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, one has to maintain proper oral hygiene. White bumps on sides of tongue and under it – what should one beware of? We distinguish between two basic causes of white bumps on sides of tongue – trauma-induced and associated with leukokeratosis. Traces of teeth and even erosions, covered with fur, can appear in the result of constant biting of the swollen tongue.