Wince Call Stack Snapshot Function Names Unknown - Map File
The Call Stack window displays the name of each function and the. Choose Show Call Stack on Code Map. And Source Files. To load symbols. In the Call Stack. Highres=1 screen_x=640 screen_y=480 [map]. 0xdba9df7e WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown. Fuze Themes and Apps [Q] Igo Primo - Fatal ERROR.
Lounge Lizard Session Serial Number here. WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file SDMMC iGO8
I have a peak GPS running Windows CE 6. This GPS is no longer supported by the Manufacturer so I have loaded both iGO 8 and iGO Primo on an SD Card. IGO 8 Works flawlessly but Primo crashes Whenever I click a direction in the itinerary I receive 'fatal error occurred in main thread' 0x003f9b48. I don't understand the clue. It doesn't matter if we are talking about iGO or Primo, file contains information for the programmer but is left out by the crackers. ( 08:56 PM)nabi Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. However 2 remarks on this crash.txt: (1) the line 'WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file storage card not found):' doesn't point to a missing country map, but to a crash file with the, made by the official iGO8's for the use of their programmers.
No 'healed' iGO does produce that file. I must be missing something because I still don't see the 'clue', Baz. That line 'WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file SDMMC iGO Primo 2.4 Primo' in crash.txt is in every crash.txt, whatever caused the crash. Only the path may differ depending on the iGO/Primo setup.